Gudeg: Indonesian Young Jackfruit Stew

Gudeg: Indonesian Young Jackfruit Stew

Gudeg is a typical food of Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia made from young unripe jackfruit boiled with coconut milk (areh) and palm sugar. It takes hours to make this dish. The brown color is usually produced by teak leaves that cooked simultaneously. Spices needed to make gudeg include onion, garlic, galangal, coriander seeds, pecans, bay leaves, and teak leaves.

Gudeg can be considered as vegetarian food, because it only consists of raw jackfruit and coconut milk. However, gudeg is usually served with eggs or chicken. Gudeg served with steamed white rice, opor ayam (chicken in coconut milk), ayam goreng (fried chicken), opor telur, telur pindang or hard-boiled egg, tofu, tempeh, and sambal goreng krecek.

Gudeg: Indonesian Young Jackfruit Stew

There are various variants gudeg, among others:
  • Dry gudeg, served with a thick areh, much more viscous than coconut milk in padang cuisine.
  • Wet gudeg, served with dilute areh.
  • Solo gudeg, which has white color.
Gudeg is traditionally associated with Yogyakarta, and Yogyakarta is sometimes dubbed as "Kota Gudeg" (city of gudeg). Gudeg can be found in almost every place in Yogyakarta, but Wijilan is the most famous area as gudeg center in Yogyakarta.
