Naniura: Batak Style Raw Fish

Naniura: Batak Style Raw Fish

Naniura (also known Dengke Mas na Niura) is a traditional Batak food originating from Tapanuli, Indonesia. Naniura is the most famous Batak culinary because its fish is not cooked, but only spiced. Naniura in Batak language means uncooked fish, the raw fish is served with a complete spice so that will make the fish better tasted without cooking, which means that the spices that cook the fish.

Formerly, the cuisine originated from Tapanuli is reserved for kings only, one of which is King Sisingamangaraja. Therefore, not everyone can cook Naniura, only royal cooks can cook it. But the growing times and because it's so unique and so delicious, everyone Batak really want to try this Naniura cuisine. Many tourists both local and domestic and even the foreign tourists always looking for this Tapanuli cuisine every time they visit some areas in North Sumatra.

Naniura has an interesting cooking process. The type of fish commonly used to make naniura is carp. The raw carp or called "dekke", cleaned first of thorns and mucus. Then, matured by soaking it with Jungga sour water or kaffir lime. Through this process, the quality of protein in carp becomes more intact because it is not exposed to fire at all. Not boiled, not fried, not burned, not smoked, and not exposed to heat of fire at all. The spices consists of jungga acid or lime, andaliman, candlenut, garlic, onion, pepper, ginger, galangal, turmeric and chili.

Naniura has a soft and fresh texture. The sweet taste of fresh carp coupled with spicy and warm from andaliman and a bit of sour taste of jungga acid make this food is very popular, especially in North Sumatra.
